Prayer Beads

“Life is one continuous prayer or act of worship.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The idea of life as a continuous prayer reveals the sublimity of soul through constant remembrance of God, the source and perfection of life. Prayers of praise and thankfulness, prayers of devotion and longing, prayers of hope and peace...all maintain a prayerful thought throughout every dimension of life. Prayer is an act of communion with the Divine. It is the constant thought of God.

We create beautiful ways to continually offer our heartfelt devotion. One such way is with the tradition of “prayer beads.” Consider the meaning of the word “bead” itself. It is derived from the Old English “bede,” which means prayer. Prayer beads, rosaries, malas (garlands), tasbih, and prayer ropes are all outward forms of an inner prayer. They are all associated with the repetition of prayers or sacred words. This repetition involves continual devotion and prayerful thought.

“Each repetition, or japa, has new meaning, each repetition carries you nearer to God. Repetition must not be a lip expression, but part of your very being.”

Mahatma Gandhi

When the repetition of prayer becomes a part of our very being, we arrive at a meditative mind. Repetition of word and thought helps the mind to focus and become subjective. When the mind is made calm and contemplative, we are able to move from the finite to the infinite.

The repetition of prayers or sacred names of God serves to awaken the highest good in our hearts. It creates a vibration of consciousness that is finely attuned to noble qualities. It transforms and blesses our life with the inspiration of inner well-being. Prayer cultivates within us the strength of spiritual idealism amidst the ever changing conditions of life. It helps us to meet each obstacle on the path of life with hope and faith.

As a beautiful and tangible aid to the act of contemplation, the symbolism of prayer beads extends beyond the words and prayers uttered. Prayer beads are designed to assist the devotee, not merely in keeping track of repetitions, but in reminding one to constantly think of God. Whether the beads are made of simple, natural materials or rare and precious gems, the significance is that which the devotee places in prayerful communion of soul. The shape of the mala or rosary reflects infinite perfection. It is both beginningless and endless.

I present this collection of prayers, strung together with the light of my own ideal. Each beautiful prayer bead illustrated by Shanthi Chandrasekar, reflects a different expression or aspiration of soul. The prayers and beads are lovingly and devotionally offered with open hands and open heart.

May each prayer you silently utter and each sacred name you mentally repeat, instill within you a sense of peace and calm, joy and bliss.

~ AUM Shanti Shanti Shanti ~

Srimati Karuna

This publication is now available from the Self-Revelation Church of Absolute Monism.