Life is Guided by Consciousness

All life is guided by consciousness. Consciousness is responsible for all our happiness or unhappiness, peace or sorrow in life. Right now we are our consciousness. Our consciousness reveals the authority over our daily experience. Therefore, it is wise to evaluate the course of our own consciousness to see what authority we are obeying most of the time. What is our perspective, vision, awareness, ideal that guides our learning and growth? As Jesus wisely said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Our treasure or predominant identification of consciousness determines our happiness.

The quality of our life improves when we live more in the understanding of our pure consciousness. Our pure consciousness is the light of soul. It is ever one with the pure light of the universe. Wise individuals heed the guidance and authority of their souls giving them intrepid strength to face the most awesome struggles of life.

Happiness is found in following one's own path perfectly, and the ideal path is progressive. Fulfillment of even limited ideals leads us on to greater and nobler ideals. The ideal life improves with experience and by the growth of ideal. My ideal has evolved with my life. What I seek; what I am aware of; what I work towards; what I love; what is of utmost importance to me—the composite consciousness of these as my ideal has guided my life and determined my happiness at each stage, leading to fulfillment that carried me on to enlarged ideals and comprehension. I have found that God has directed my path to ever new frontiers and as I enter them I feel increasingly the blessedness of this treasured wealth of life.

From Frontiers of the Spirit
Swami Kamalananda